Full Version: Would you want to live forever?
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no, let's say aging is not a factor & there is a way to die ... chop off your head, stake thru the heart, etc. You would be one age for the rest of the time.

I would figure if I had enough time I could make a decent amount of money, or atleast an interesting job. Could learn different languages, could move to every country, which would also be important because people would notice you not aging.
Quote:Would you want to live forever?
Been there, done that, got the t-shirt.
Nope. I wouldn't want to live forever no matter what.

I'm quite content knowing I'm going to croak at one point or another.
but would you get another head if it was lopped off? it would suck living forever with no head.
You all talk about losing the ones you love and stuff. If you notice, immortal characters tend to be loners. You'd be hurt just that one time cause you wouldn't allow yourself to get close again. Also if you've lived like 3 or 4 lifetimes and got close to some people you'll know what it's like to lose them so the blow will be softer the 5th or 6th time around.

Personally I'd like to do it but only if I had unlimited money, immunity to all diseases, the ability to choose when in time I began my existance and it'd be nice to choose a few people to make immortal with me, so I can have some company.
Quote:Somebody might have read Pete Hamill recently...
bought it today, looked good :thumbs-up:
Quote:Been there, done that, got the t-shirt.

I'd go with living forever if I could be omnipotent along with it. I think that's pretty fair. :thumbs-up:
Quote:Would you want to live forever?
yes, just cause i dont want to miss anything
I'm definitely too much of a romantic to want to live forever, even though you're all saying that you'd fall in love with new people (and then deal with their deaths too), knowing myself, I'd still end up missing the same person from 200+ years ago, and always be miserable. I will be very happy to die on schedule :thumbs-up:
Crash time. Being mortal is challenging enough. Ugh.
If I was immortal I would track down DIG and fuck him in the mouth.
In about 10 minutes i probably won't be able to stop you. Happy hunting.
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