Full Version: Goldust's new Gimmick - This could be really bad or really funny
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How about, Glowdust. :rofl: :rofl:
This is painful to read
how the fuck did this guy get married?
goldust is divorced :fuggin:
i was referring to you , ass tulip
thanks jerkie. I knew you were :banana:
You should be celled for being so unfunney. Reading this thread was like watching a Gallagher marathon.
.... I like Gallagher... :disappointed:
tw, can you just post an article or something instead next time? leave the comedy to people like jack...
I can't win. I post articles, I get killed. I try having an opinion I get killed. I try making stupid 2nd grade jokes, I get killed. I can't win. :banana:
pretty much
He did it tonight on Raw...I was pretty stupid...prolly woulda been funnier if I hadn't known it was coming...
well he can't curse like real tourettes syndrome people. Right now he sounds like stuttering john.
The only thing funny about that interview last night was JR's reaction to Goldust. The first itme goldie stuttered Jr said "excuse me but something aint right with you" that made me laugh. I see this gimmick going nowere quickly.
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