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Chicago probably wins best picture but don't count out LoTR.

But then again with the knowlege that the 3rd installment is coming out the end of this year, they may hold off so I see TW's point. What would suck was if they made some amazing movie to go against LoTR next year and it loses.
What's it about?
most of the musicals i've seen gave me douche chills, except for Cabaret.
Singin' In The Rain :loveya:
peter jackson not getting nominated is retarded
Quote:like all of luhrmanns films, all style no substance.
totally. he should just be a lighting director, or a cinematographer, because his movies eat ass. that atrocious Romeo + Juliet from a few years ago is a prime example. ooooo john leguazmo has a pretty gun...this is a great movie.
his sword!
i don't see how roman polanski does not win for best director. if i was in the academy, he'd being getting my vote.
if he comes to accept his award, he will be arrested.
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