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shes got potential
I used to go to hardcore shows all the time, but then the band broke up

the only annoying part is, those pricks who circle the front like sharks, just looking for anyone to elbow in the ear. they knock the other shitters into girls who are just trying to watch the singer without his shirt. and they don't care, they don't help you up. :angry:
Quote:girls who are just trying to watch the singer without his shirt
urgh, i hate the prissy girls who wanna go up front. or at least, back when i used to actually go to shows Undecided
the worst are the big huge guys who put there girls up to the front then stand behind them and "protect" them, ugh.
trish is jealous that the guys windmilled her instead of protecting her :lol:
We've got the same people at jambands shows, only they're so high and in their own little drugged out zone that they don't notice the people dancing around them or are just big enough assholes that they don't care. Like they need 10 square feet all to themselves to twirl like idiots... Bastards.
i can come and clear the pit of its negi ways if you want
Quote:trish is jealous that the guys windmilled her instead of protecting her
yeah, cos when i go to a show i want to be stuck standing in one spot with some oaf stopping me from moving at all.
Quote:i can come and clear the pit of its negi ways if you want
Teach me to um... break edge?
you already break edge. every day. you Damn dirty druggie.
I'll assume that means something good.
Confusedigh: go have another schmidts beer
I will, pal.

Thanks. :thumbs-up:
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