Full Version: i am not getting out of bed
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I bet Arpi is lying about this whole doing nothing crap

I bet he's cleaning the apartment, anticipating the return of his woman
you couldnt be more wrong
So I guess you're the king of your castle then, huh?
shouldn't you get back to dusting?
i had to do a good half hour on my side cause my back was getting sore.
you should get the little lady to massage that for you
i am beginning to think i might get up and go out to my local tavern. going to give the idea an hour to germinate
I was watching star dates on E! and the celebrity star was screech, I had oodles of fun pretending that's what arpi was like on a date.

Then I realized that no way could arpi be as funny as good old dustin diamond, or as he refered to himself "the dust man".
Did you just let Screech into the fucking club?
haven't heard from arpi since 10:01 last night. is he dead? Maybe we should send an ambulance.
Why waste tax payers money like that, arpi wouldn't want the help any way.
true.. but he might end up like the guy in se7en that was lying on the bed with all the air fresheners around him..
That would constitute someone caring enough to go through all the trouble... remember this is arpi.
Quote:remember this is arpi

yeah, i know.. but when it comes down to it, he's jewish and so am i.. us jews have to stick together! if he wasn't jewish, i would say "screw him, let the mother f'er die in his own pool of crap and vomit from eating too many Reduced Fat Oreos."
I'm jewish and I wouldn't piss on either one of you if you were burning.
i did not go out. jus watched movies then slept. i got out of bed 10 minutes ago. thank you for your concern Ronin.
I knew praying was a waste of time.
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