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.... I so wanna fuck those girls...
Thought it was pretty good. The HHH vs Steiner match was not terrible but thank god it's over. The Undertaker vs Big Show, that was painful to watch. The rest of the card was good. Austin gave Bischoff about 5 stunners and totally destroyed him. They did the screwjob ending. I thought when the lights went out, that Goldberg was going to be in the ring. Ending basically just hyped up the Mcmahon vs Hogan match at Wrestlemania. Matt Hardy won the cruiserwight title in a very good match. Jericho vs hardy was pretty good with HBK coming in at the end. The 6 man or 5 man was really good. I give it about a B, B -.
I found the HHH/Steiner match to be entertaining only because the crowd kept chanting "BORING!! BORING!!" andthat made me chuckle. Rock/Hogan 2 was lame, and it hyped McMahon/Hogan which at one time might've been interesting to watch, but it doesn't really excite me. Austin coming back was great, as I expected. Bischoff essentially getting his ass kicked made for a solid 20 entertaining minutes. The 3on2 match was good, William Regal needs to give it up already. Undertaker/Big Slow sucked ass, get Big Slow off the TV already. Jericho/Hardy was a solid match, RVD/Kane was ok, but it seems like RVD has become the new X-Pac (in so far as Kane is concerned).

All in all it was ok - seeing Austin back made the night for me though.
I thought the overall show was good. i would watch it again if nothing was on tv tomorrow night...liked all the matches except for rock hogan. even the taker/show match was ok...air taker, who knew he could do it...looks like the road to wrestlemania will be least i hope so.
I didn't see it

But the report on sucked

So because of that the ppv sucked

Tahnk you for your time
It was a solid pay per view. Austin's comeback was the highlight.
Best match i think was Hardy vs Jericho.
I was disappointed with the whole screw job ending. If your gonna kill the lights at least have a good pay off when they come back on.
Anyone notice no beer for stone cold after the match. Boy probation must really suck!
I read an interview where he is going to drink non alcoholic beer. Maybe he can take Angle's gimmick and drink Milk
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