Full Version: I'm touching my penis right now
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Will you two quit bickering? Your acting like children.
He started it.
He always does. Fucking bitch. Lets get him. The two of us can take him.
OK... you hold him down.... and I'll run to Vermont.
Don't leave me..... He'll do naughty things to me when we are alone. :-(
Why do you think I'm running?

I'm sore. :-(
But there is strength in numbers. Together we can stop the daily violations.
Quote:The two of us can take him.

Bitch please, you couldn't take a shit.
I could take your heart, throw it to the floor, and dance upon it.
you could but you won't, cause i'll rip out your eyes and put them in your pocket and wear your spleen as a necklace.
I would and you know it. You'd have to do all that with a broken heart.
I'm not the least bit surprised that a thread about me touching my penis has 70 replies already.
Quote:If I had a penis I would touch it.
Well Luna you could borrow mine...I don't have any plans for it for the next couple of days... :thumbs-up:
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