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How would you react if one day when you have kids, or if you already do have kids, if they came to you and said they were cocksmokers?

This applies only to male children since there is nothing wrong with being a lesbian, it's actually rather healthy and a life improving skill to be a lesbo. That is unless your daughter becomes a hardcore dyke, then it's like having a gay son.

I know the proper answer is that you love your kid anyway no matter if he's a fuckin fag or not. But honestly wouldn't it hurt you that you raised a fairy instead of a real man? I mean who can really be proud of a queer son unless the father is a cum guzzler himself who experimented with a woman once.

You'd never have grandchildren cause unless you are waiting for the movie junior to become a reality, your cocksuckin son ain't makin no babies.

Yeah my friends brother admited he was a fag the other day.
I'd build a space ship, put the faggit on it, and send him to your house to give you a lap dance.
That's why you'll never have kids you cock tease.
Baker admitted he was gay? Where was I? I want documented proof so I can throw it in his face.

And your right, it would sting, but it would still be my child. That would be his lifestyle choice.
I'd feel weird hanging with him, he sucks cock and stuff.
If it comes as a total shock, then you deserve it, for ignoring your kid all those years.
My friend recently came out to his parents. I asked how they took it and he said, "My dad pressed mute on the TV"
Quote:If it comes as a total shock, then you deserve it, for ignoring your kid all those years.

boo hoo daddy didn't hug me so I had to start sucking cock.
Quote:boo hoo daddy didn't hug me so I had to start sucking cock.
works for me ;-)
you sucking cock is not a surprise.
awww, flatery will get you everywhere :-p
I bet you're good at it but that's not the point.

The point is cause you're parents didn't pay attention to you doesn't mean you have to become a social outcast and start taking it up the ass.

so you believe in Nurture over Nature?
I believe in not bitching over the fact that daddy didn't hug you, I grew up with no father and an absentee mother till I was 16, I didn't start sucking cock and I didn't go into therapy.

I turned out fine, somewhat...
but you're straight, so you can't use you as an example. plenty of people grow up in cushy house, silver spoons & all, and still just lust after a good helping of man-ass before bed :thumbs-up:
Cause they are over nurtured and they become soft, like Gomez.
Quote:I didn't start sucking cock and I didn't go into therapy.

Liar, Liar, space ship on fire!
like Ladi said if you were that in the black about your sonz sexual preference you're pretty much a fuckin idiot

but in my old age
if i lose my senility
i deal with it
so yah have to deal with a lot more jokes from the fellas
hez my son
Quote:like Gomez

I can't argue with that
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