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I'm adding another one

Hoverdesk-Great desktop, let's me monitor system performance at all times, quick links, and it has yet to slow down on me.

For a pic here's a link Hoverdesk

Trillian-Because some fucktards decide that MSN messenger is the greatest thing since sex, and since I refuse to have two chat programs open at once it's great to have all in one.

BitTorrent-A nifty little program that lets you download things by sharing bandwidth with others.

NewsBin-Best program for Newsgroups

Edited By LyricalGomez on 1045766443
I've never had a problem with AIM+ crashing, I just can't get in the chat room when I have it running.
I found out why AIM+ crashes on you guys. Weird NJ and I figured it out last night. Big-0-softward says on their website that AIM+ is NOT compatible with AIM 5.0. This is NOT true. I have been running AOL 5.0 with AIM+ for months and haven't had a single problem.

And I haven't had a problem with getting in chat either.

Download the newest version of AIM. Uninstall AIM and AIM+. Reinstall AIM. Then re-install AIM+.

voila! No more problems.
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