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Wesley Snipes>Samuel L. Jackson
Quote:Wesley Snipes>Samuel L. Jackson
as if... Rolleyes

That's a tough one, wesley is the man but he had that string of bad choices for a few years.
Hey's your hammer hangin' today? :-o
denzil >wesley snipes >samuel jackson
Who is Denzil?

Oh.... you meant Denzel....

You can't even cut and past right. :disappointed:
why, you....

My hammer is fine, how about I slap you across the face with it and then fuck you till you hemorage.
Such a sweet talker!
I gotta get the feel back and rebound from a horrible night yesterday.
michael jackson>denzel>wesley>samuel L
barbra walters > michael jackson>denzel>wesley>samuel L
Denzel > All
Redd Fox > denzel
Richard Pryor > Redd Foxx
Shame on all of you fools who rate Wesley Snipes above Samuel L. Jackson.

Samuel turns shit into gold while Wesley just turns shit into worse shit.

Edited By Danked on 1045770374
And just what the fuck was he thinking with this career move?

[Image: 36956a.jpg]
That's what I was talking about Dankey. Wesley is cool and shit but he had a several year period before Blade came along where he just made horrible choices. Movies like too wong foo, the fan, boiling point, murder at 1600, several others.

Samuel L Jackson just pimps out everything he is in, even xXx.
Quote:Samuel turns shit into gold while Wesley just turns shit into worse shit.

[sarcasm]Are you nuts?? Passenger 57 was awesome!! And US Marshalls! Great pieces of work![/sarcasm] ;-)

The only good movie Snipes put out was White Men Can't Jump. That's the only one I can think of off the top of my head. I have to agree with Danked.
Passanger 57 was the sheezy yo.

Blade was fuckin pimp.

But Sam Jackson is definetly the hands down winner, he even took a crappy movie like 'Shaft' and made it watchable. Then again he was upped in that movie by the spanish dude who played 'Peoples', he was even cooler than Sam in the movie.

Yo people's I thought you was gonna smoke me, punk!

Hey shaft, I smoke camels, puta.
.... don't forget Jungle Fever.... c'mon, who was better in that? Snipes as an architect or Sam as his crackhead brother....

... Crack > architecture.....
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