Full Version: Cranky Dankey was mean to me today.
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If Madonna calls, I'm not here
If Madonna calls, I'm not here
If Madonna calls, I'm not here
If Madonna calls, I'm not here
He poured hot grease allover my genital area, have you no compassion you bastards?
Lies! I was busy cleaning my office.

I was no where near your genital area!
These scars will never heal, you evil bastard.
He put on a condom and rubbed ben-gay allover his cock, then fucked me in the ass and burned my insides up.

Scars, blood, tears are everywhere and you all enabled him :-(
I will not stand idly by while you slander my good name!!!!

Don't make me call your mother!
You never called her on her birthday, her scars are on her soul.
suddenly Gonzo has something against forced empty sex? what is this world coming to
At least I bought and sent her a card.
I have no problem when I am the one inflicting the pain, I never had to take it before.
Quote:At least I bought and sent her a card
what? no macaroni & glue :disappointed:
Quote:At least I bought and sent her a card.

That could quite possible be the coldest thing anyone has ever said to me.
So I've set the bar nice and high?
Pookie? I'm sorry, pookie.

Come back.

I don't know what I'm saying today. I'm out of control.
my mother appreciated my handmade cards much more than hallmark.
Maybe now people will see how abusive you trully are to me.
You're just so frustrating sometimes.
I'll forgive you but this is the last time.
Please, baby... baby, please. :loveya:
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