Full Version: So when does it stop growing - when was the last time you measured
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So what time, stud?

Am I the only one who's actually in suspense here?
i'm with you sleeper
I'm not measuring nothing....I gotta work tonight
Did I say something wrong? :-(
I dunno did you??
I dunno. Keyser never answered me. :disappointed:
Now we'll never know how big his dink is.
Quote:i came home and got myself all worked up to some pic's of gonzo

forget VG, I win!!!!
Maybe quilting, that's a nice hobby

Or collecting some sort of sports card

All nice hobbies
danked, bring a yardstick
I've heard some good things about Golf
Golf is definetly more fun than measuring your penis.
I've never measured but the other day my girl went down on me and said she thought it had grown...I don't know that I want to know the actual length.. :blow:
what an interesting topic .... but it's all subjective, you all say you're big, but can we be sure? :clueless:
Last time I measured I was 14 or 15, but that was a couple years ago....OH!
i'm thinking i need to revoke crack's thread starting privilages :clueless:
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