Full Version: In this thread Gonzo is cool again.
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you should. where does the line start?
oh wait, i don't want to get in trouble like arpi did back then
next 20 people who post get to suck on my rape rod.
You have a rod? why not use your penis?
it ain't gonna suck itself, get to work!!!!
was I talkin to you?
you're turning me down? :clueless:
The old Gonzo would never accept sexual favors from females.

Edited By Metalfan on 1045837114
If I had a hammer I would build a space ship.


Edited By Metalfan on 1045837145
If I had a million hammers....I'd be rich.

Edited By Metalfan on 1045837176
If I got hammered I'd most likely throw up.
If I threw up, I'd probably be puking up the bagel I just had.
[Image: pb_edit.gif]

Edited By Metalfan on 1045837220
Thanks for ruining yet another thread.
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