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Let the light fill you with the spirit of the lord
Quote:Let the light fill you with the spirit of the lord


Wait... it was just some gas.
Update: The thoughts have passed. I now think of happy thoughts.

I believe I can fly... Wait.. wrong movie.
I couldn't wait to get home and got high when I left for lunch.

Was that impure?
Smoke away Brother Danked
God doesn't hate me for it?
No, getting high brings you closer to him
Quote:Let the light fill you with the spirit of the lord
i did this schtick months before you joind and i did it much better.
I miss the old Arpi. The one that had a love/hate list under his sig pic.
Before I joind?

Nice try weenie
Quote:Before I joind?

Nice try weenie
yes before you joined. i did this whole peace be with you routine. give it up, i did it before you and better than you. ask anyone here.
Quote:i did this schtick months before you joind and i did it much better.
as much as it pains me, I have to agree
I miss the old Arpi. :-(
I'm not wishing anyone peace, I think the forum is filled with a bunch of perverts who would be better off holed up in an insane asylum
Quote:I miss the old Arpi.
yea, back when his schtick was funny and fresh, that seems like a looooong time ago.
I hate the word schtick
I hate the word se7en
It's not a word

It's a title
Quote:I miss the old Arpi
i did this schtick months ago and i did it better.

why does everbody complain about my gimmicks and then turn around and use them whenever possible? fucking witless hypocrites!
the 7 doesnt even resemble a v, it's totally absurd.
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