Full Version: Great White fire
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Tenbatz works in radio.
Jealous, bitch?
HE DOES?@!?!?!
I don't have the face for it.
Radio pays shit. Sell me your house, then we'll talk.
How could I sell you my house if you can't afford it cause you work in radio?
Because to supplement the radio income, I also work in real estate. Haw haw.
will you introduce me to Paul Cubby Bryant, i'd so sell my house to meet him.
Would you settle for Stalker Patti? She's in radio
Quote:yeah... but you have to come here & model a few of them before i decide which one you get to keep

interseting theory....
Quote:If they wanted to rock why were they at a great white show?
What's wrong with Great White? They'll get you fired up. :rofl: :burnfucker:
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: Confusedneak:
i'm sorry if this sounds insensitive..but it's nice to have a few less mullets around.
Great White fans with mullets? No no no....that I don't believe. Big NJ chick mall hair yes, tight spandex which many of the women shouldn't have been wearing, yes, but mullets??? :crackhead:

Kinda makes me sad....I grew up around there and who knows, I might know some of the victims or their families. A lot of the people mentioned were in the same age group as I am and I'll admit.....this is the type of stuff my friends and I listened too in high school.

96 dead....what a fucking shame :disappointed:
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