Full Version: Zeit für ein deutsches gewinde! - Deutschfelsen, gerade weil sie juden koc
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HEY! What?!
you agreed with me....that was not nice....makes me SAD :-( :-( :disappointed:
Quote:you agreed with me....that was not nice....makes me SAD

I didn't want you to know I thought you were snazzy.....can't you see throught the facade? :-p

And besides, why should I be nice when you said I should be the new whatever?!:angry:
the new tard in the trailer! that is a good thing! well to me anyway. i should just give up. :-( :disappointed:
You didn't say said
Quote:I say incoming goods should start defiling polly. she is the closest one tons being A full fledged tard member RK this POINT.

You said I was never said I was there...I felt rejected....
you are right...close....not there is a prestegious honor ya know. :poke:
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