Full Version: Transplant Girl is now corpse girl - Duke still sucks
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So the Mexican girl who came to the US for the best medical care in the world is now dead. All because of a paperwork mixup, an arrogant doctor, and other fun malpractice issues.

Enjoy the 100 million dollar lawsuit, chump.

Visit this website, yo.
she was kinda cute.... Undecided
Yeah, just imagine getting her in the sack and then seeing that lovely zipperline scar down her chest between her tits. AWESOME!
youre a sick bastard
You're the one who wanted to fuck the 17 year old chick with the defective organs
yeah but lets leave your sister out of this, ok?
i think they should leave her on life support so she's still warm for you two yutzes
she is already dead, how could they leave her on life support?
thus the word "leave".

She was braindead and on lifesupport all day. Family chose to shut it off...well, b/c she's dead. Still..had they left it on, and all those processes going...she'd still be the bee's knees for some play, if you know what I mean (wink wink, nudge nudge)
Duke can't do anything right.
Maybe the family got their Dukes mixed up.

[Image: duke_circle.gif]
Can we blow up Duke?

Pretty please?

Edited By LyricalGomez on 1045962123
We beat Duke in football...they suck...<span style='font-size:8pt;line-height:100%'>we suck too...but not as much as Duke</span>
you people are wacky