Full Version: there's this chair...
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Pages: 1 2
and it has shoes on, and he walk down the street, lalalalala, the chair is a walking!
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
if she cheat, i will crush her!
We should have an Inside Jokes Forum.
no jew!
why you laugh, she dead
when can we have the sexy intercourse?
I am big down there like a bottle of pepsi!
yo brinkmin, is you good cop and i is bad cop
can you order an all you can eat buffet as your last meal?
mcdonalds, gangsta rap, spaghetti, and swimmin
I'm going to get these jokes in another 9 minutes
ever see Barely Legal tree?
yo well in this institution, it was very strict rule, that if you didnt do yo homework, you will get boned
I demand explanation.
... Does it have something to do with a British guy wearing pimped out clothing and talking ghetto slang, only managing to sound like a retard?
only some of it
Barot owns everyone
Pages: 1 2