Full Version: The Road to Wrestlemania - Raw, Smackdown Wrestlemania hype
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Thank God Orton and Batista got hurt...that means no more of this pussy ass evolution shit...
Quote:Updated WWE WrestleMania XIX Card - New Matches Added!
Story By: Fred Cook
March 12, 2003

-Steve Austin vs. The Rock

-Hulk Hogan vs. Vince McMahon

-Shawn Michaels vs. Chris Jericho

WWE World Heavyweight Championship
-Triple H © vs. Booker T

WWE Championship
-Kurt Angle © vs. Brock Lesnar

WWE SmackDown! Tag Team Championship
-Team Angle © vs. Los Guerreros vs. Rhyno and Chris Benoit

WWE Cruiserweight Championship
-Matt Hardy © vs. Rey Mysteiro

WWE Women's Championship
-Victoria © vs. Trish vs. Jazz

WWE World Tag Team Championship
-William Regal and Lance Storm © vs. The Dudley Boyz

-Undertaker and Nathan Jones vs. A-Train and Big Show

So far these are the matches for Wrestlemania. You still have raw people like RVD, Kane, Christian, Jeff Hardy, Test, Hurricane, steven richards, tommy dreamer to name a few with no match. I could see maybe having like a battle royale for the booker t and hhh winner to face the winner of this the next night on raw. Or some combination. RVD and Kane are definites to have a match either against each other or some other type of match.
I guess that means angle is going to wrestle lesnar. He's a trooper. Just doesn't hope it hurts him even further. Hopefully its a good match and not just a waste of 15 minutes.
[Internet mark]I think Angle just wanted to fuck over Benoit. I mean.. how hard would it have been to drop the title on Smackdown and give Benoit the push. WTF[/Internet mark]
I missed raw, cause of course I dont get TNN on my comcast, fuckers. But Those pics of stacy are hot, she is quite a piece.
awesome smackdown last night. I like Angle is going to make it to Wrestlemania. Great match between the Guerreros and rhyno and benoit. Also Team Angle vs Mysterio and Kidman was good. And Kendrick really impressed me last night.
It pisses me off to no end that Angle who goes out every night and busts his ass gets injured and has to quit the biz but that pussy bitch mother fucker HHH doesn't wrestle for a whole month and still has the Damn belt...GIVE ANGLE HHH'S NECK!!!
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