Full Version: Fucking NBC! - Gay ass censorship
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Quote:i dont
But you've got that Ali G thing and I guess that makes up for it...
VAS UP!!!?
Ish don't sink so
Quote:So, why exactly is we goin to war?

War has beun loomin fer a long time now. Threats ave beun made. But wot justification has fer real beun given. Is it coz I is black? wot prohof has beun offered. Is it coz I is black? Afta all, if me Uncle Jamal’re goin to spend billions hof dollars worf hof materials durin a bad econome hand priceless human lives, shouldn’t me Uncle Jamal know....
Is it time for sexy intercourse?
So I'm watching this I'm a celebrity get me outta here show on ABC, and they just showed a commercial for Jimmy Kimmel Live. He's going to have Tatu on tonight. They were wearing t-shirts that say "Censored" on them. Maybe the kiss will be on his show.
yeah...that heppened two nights ago. his show is live, so if you see a commercial of already aired.

P.S. those crazy commie bitches blocked their kiss with their hands because they hate america
Inspector Maynard misses the beat again!
they showed a little of them kissing on kilborn last night, then cut to the drummer
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