Full Version: When are these coming to the states? - who's buying these ladies?
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This could be classified as a bit that has been beaten within an inch of its life.
This ship is sinking fasst, isn't it?
It is becoming a hassle.

Edited By Buttmunch on 1046291406
This has become a massive undertaking
It is becoming a bit passe.
i assure you that it went well
Plasstics make it possible.

A passel of new people!
Please pass the jelly.
are you assuming that i am going to join your little game
in true fasshion, the dead horse is continually beaten.
ass well you should, Ms. Dru.
this is bombasstic
Come! Share my passion for the ass skirt!
Soon the masses will join in our ass skirt crusade.

You think if they put a famous ass on the skirt you could pass as a celebrity?
The possibility is fassinating
Alass, I must leave.

But, my passion will amass during my absence.
my ass hurts, someone come rub it for me
I don't want to drive, it'll be assinine
some in my office has a stinky ass & i cna't take it anymore
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