Full Version: Useless, but humorous facts - The world is nuts..
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How are those useless???
hey Slug - how goes it?
Oh, you know... I gave up on listening to 'the man' here... I need the internet. so what if I get fired. how you been?

*edit* who'd you suck to become a mod? heh :bow:

Edited By Lord Slug on 1046374286
Quote:How are those useless???

Would you be any different had you not known them?
Quote:*edit* who'd you suck to become a mod?

it sounds like you've got a lot of reading to catch up on!

as for internet at work, the ALT-TAB combo is your bestest friend ;-)
I do have a lot to catch up on... can you give me the short short version?

Jack, if i knew all of these facts earlier, I probably could have picked up more chicks. Now, I'll never know.
Pages: 1 2