Full Version: so what's the deal with..
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airplane peanuts? :clueless:
if there's someone really allergic to peanuts on a plane they could inhale the fumes through the recycled air and balloon up and die
they never give you enough in those small bags.

enjoy your stay - extra blankets are on the way...maybe.
I will miss you all, every one of you :-(
still lying?
and your sig is showing up as a red x, in case you can't tell.
i can tell, but i am also lazy, so that takes precedence
i see your sig :thumbs-up:
as long as tricia sees it, its all good
Oh yeah, Netomia stopped being free, so that link won't work anymore
i can see it, enjoy your stay
<marquee><span style='font-size:17pt;line-height:100%'>FREEEEEE THE SLEEEEEPER!!!!!!!</span></marquee>
what'd he do to get locked up? :clueless:
:poke: dammit.... stop following me.... :twak:
someone needs to chill out...I wasn't following you...I was just inquiring to why Sleeper got locked up...if you want someone to follow you so bad you should check out VG's thread in the Listening Forum...maybe get you a puppy or something... :fuckoff:
Well the mods were sitting around in chat fingering their bellybuttons bored out of their minds, and in their boredom they decided to pick on a poor, innocent Sleeper and locked this gentle soul away for some sort of sick amusement. They are evil I tell you, EVIL.
actually, he was just being a big old meanie.
Sure he was
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