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you have no nipples either?
Quote:I had a friend like that when I was a kid. Talked tons of shit. The minute we had a disagreement he sent the neighborhood bully and a bunch of kids to beat me up. I whupped the bullys' ass and my friend all of a sudden played nice...
exactly, this should have been taken care of years ago
shoulda beat his ass at 14
Quote:you have no nipples either?
My annoying friend is a guy I've known since pre-school. He's that guy who does whatever his current gf tells him to do. And I don't mean like small sacrifices, I mean he will change his entire wardrobe (and has, 3 times) because his gf will ask him to, but once you get him alone he is really cool, he's just too weak willed or too scared to be alone, I don't know, but it gets ridiculous at times. He acctually went vegetarian for this one chick, it really pisses me off at times.
One of my friends (my oldest) is one of those "talks a lot of shit" guys, one who thinks every girl that even looks his way likes him - meanwhile, he isn't all that pretty to look at and he can't keep his mouth shut for more than 2 minutes. He's a great friend and has been there for me countless times, but the dude knows too much trivial bullshit and not enough about how to deal with people, especially women. Granted, he's kinda missing a few screws in the head and he's a stoner (semi-stoner, he's in the Coast Guard now) but inside he's a swell guy. I've tried to help him out, even hooked him up with an ex'es friend once but it didn't last more than 2 days. He's been in the CG for a little less than a year and another friend of mine went to visit him (he's stationed in Seattle) and from what I heard, nothing much has changed. I thought with a daily regimen and some goals he might be able to change a little, but so far he hasn't. At least he's workin' and not sittin' around the house playing hockey on his PS2 all day anymore.

I also know another guy, he's not really a friend but I see him every now and then, who's one of these guys that travels to Europe all the time (alone) and comes back with stories of how many chicks he fucked, in the places he fucked them, etc. but never brings a picture of one of them back. He takes pictures of everything else, but never the women. Then when we hang here, he can't even get a phone number and he blames it on the "attitudes of American women". This dude is also geeky as Hell, and he loves to hit on other people's girlfriends and/or dates at parties. One time he asked about a couple and I told him they were together and he said "happily?". As soon as a woman's guy leaves her for the bathroom or to go somewhere, he moves right in to talk and if the dude comes back, he backs right the fuck off. We came up with the nickname "homewrecker" for him. He even tried to hit on my wife when we were dating, but she just laughed and said he was too nerdy and has really bad eczema :lol:
Quote:So I spend a good 2 hours talking to her. She's giving hints all night, she's sitting with us having drinks, I gotta tell him to buy her a drink cause he can't figure that one out. She's talking about sex and how she is single and she's all set up for him. I'm hinting that he likes her and she's open to it from what I can tell. Closing time comes and I call her over and tell him to ask her for her #. His big line is, "ok see you next time".

why the fuck weren't you trying to get some for yourself?
you've known this dolt since HS and you know his routine yet you try and get him some
i think you are the knucklehead :-D
Quote:My annoying friend is a guy I've known since pre-school. He's that guy who does whatever his current gf tells him to do. And I don't mean like small sacrifices, I mean he will change his entire wardrobe (and has, 3 times) because his gf will ask him to, but once you get him alone he is really cool, he's just too weak willed or too scared to be alone, I don't know, but it gets ridiculous at times. He acctually went vegetarian for this one chick, it really pisses me off at times.

She proposed to me today.

right... ofcourse you're taking her last name.

well she has a good point, umm she believes it is sexist for the woman to take the mans last name. Anyway it's too late, she ordered the monogramed towels.
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