Full Version: I need a new sidekick.
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sidekick = flunkie ?????
Maybe not...

I'm just lonely.
I'll be your sidekick danked...but only if you'll teach me to be funny...
Hi Danked! Has your anger subsided yet Undecided
this isn't fair... Danked has a sidekick & a flunkie.... all i have is a stalker :disappointed:
Quote:I'll be your sidekick danked...but only if you'll teach me to be funny...
That position has been filled. You screwed.
I'm still waiting for a response from Jack
Quote:all i have is a stalker
How many times do I have to say're a don't get cool stuff...
dammit..... stop following me!!!!!!!!!!! :fuckoff:
Quote:you don't get cool stuff

i guess that's why he's saddled with you, huh?
hey Metal... i'll give you $3 & pass to Rye Playland if you can get the Tomato Kid to stop following me... whatta ya say pal????
Quote:i'll give you $3 & pass to Rye Playland if you can get the Tomato Kid to stop following me
Playland sucks...
Momo....I know you're out of work and probably tight on $ right if I can help....its on the house, buddy :thumbs-up:

Edited By Metalfan on 1046706304
I wanna be a sidekick! :bouncer:
gee Metal.... thanks pal... :thumbs-up:

now... about this tomato problem.... you think you can help me out??? :clueless:
Tomatoes really hate being turned into paste, don't they? Let's borrow a steamroller and run the little vegetable over :thumbs-up:
Hmm... So many choices...

I'll have to get back to you.
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