Full Version: should I go to the cell - for starting this stupid poll
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What rock did you crawl out from under? :-o
maybe a thread about the beauty of my penis.
If I send Maynard 20 PMs in the next minute and a half,
can he send me to the cell?
things slow down and pen shows up, i say its a conspiracy.
where is Maynard anyway?
when did you get back?
ahhh... finally...

<---still hasn't voted :fuggin:
moron loves teh pen.
Rolleyes pffft.... keep dreaming...
it's the one where we are in the steam room together....
dropped my towel.
Geeez... indifference. That may be the cruelest fate.

Even Lent leaves more of an impression on people when he disappears from a board.
Pages: 1 2