Full Version: Stacker 2 - did it work for any of you??
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can you make the same brownies Suzie makes?
Sorry, I'm a NARC Undecided
I can't make them either, but just about anything else you could want, I can bake. How about fudge truffle cheesecake?
Mmmmm....fudge truffle cheesecake.....droooooollllllll!!!!!!!!!

Oh, and Stacker 2 bad... Increase your cardio and follow a strict training diet (moderate your carbo intake, and increase your protein to help build lean muscle), you should be fine. Good luck! :firebounce:
... anyone here ever lose 10 pounds in 2 days? I did....
Quote:10 pounds in 2 days
Hollywood makes you poop EVERYTHING you've ever eaten out
Thanx for the advice gang....I have the NYSC membership. I just thought I would ask. I appreciate it and once I finish up I would like those truffle things.
Quote:I have the NYSC membership.
Use it...the gym is AMAZING...I love it there....there's also this GREAT class on trampolines at Union Square...also try cycling...that class KICKS my ass....
Quote:Use it...the gym is AMAZING...
I start Wednesday
Almost all of the machines have tvs on them....sadly that's what sold me on the gym :disappointed:
making up some audio tapes to listen to...once I get into running...which I hate...I'm gonna get some cadence tapes...
... cutting weight for wrestling.. had to make the 106 pound weight class at which I qualified for... weighed in two days before competition at 117.... made it to 106.3 lbs... was forced to bump up to the next weight class....
yeah, that's healthy.

don't get me started. you people don't know what i do.
I know exactly how to lose 10 pounds In 2 weeks. I even have a program laid out.
I call It "Patricks amazing, wonderful, stupendous Get up off your God Damn fat lazy ass, put down the pork chops and biscuits, go to the gym, and show a little self-restraint you lazy cow" diet.
Results may vary.
:-o Dick. :lol:
Hey, how did you know I was speaking directly to you? I didn't put your name on It or anything.
Quote:... anyone here ever lose 10 pounds in 2 days? I did....
pfft... i could drop 10 pounds in one sitting after a night at Taco Bell :moonie:
I was sticking up for the fatties...I on the other hand...I'm trim and lean... :clueless:

(say anything to the contrary and I'll castrate you!)
And I happen to be 6 ft 5, blonde hair, and bristling with muscles.
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