Full Version: A topic - to hijack
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This topic is strictly for hijacking and making into whatever you want.



Slow day at work?
my favorite color is blue
I like peaches :fuggin: & sleep
Quote:Slow day at work?
Yes :-(
i just drank a huge amount of coffee and i'm still not quite awake.
Peaches make my throat itch, but I like them so I eat them anyway.

I finished the first part of the first question on my midterm....I'm going to shower soon and go to school :disappointed:
I know I have work for tonights class

But I can't remember what it is
I think I'm getting stiffed for Lunch again Confusedneak:
have such a headache today
I didn't do any of my homework for any of my classes, I've become a total slacker... :disappointed:

I'm making a frozen meal now for breakfast
The point of a hijack is to deviate from the original subject! This one has none.

This is just a chat thread in disguise.
the subject is how is your day going :thumbs-up:
Quote:The point of a hijack is to deviate from the original subject! This one has none.

This is just a chat thread in disguise.

you should do something about this!
Quote:the subject is how is your day going
Then deviate from that subject. :-p
I'm not in any condition to choose a topic :crackhead:
it's laid out oddly, I can't see all the replies at once, there is too much clicking involved
I'm going into the shower now, anyone want to wash my back?
i'll bring my loofah!
A clown-free world is a perfect world.

my friend with the clown head in a box, is sick, I'm sad about that

he's one of the cool people, everyone should be pleased to know

Damn cancer
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