Full Version: Everybody that posts in this thread gets a hug!
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I got a hug? And I be straight thug
there was no mention of a deadline, nor was there any mention of substitutions not being allowed. I'm calling shenanigans!
Can't you hire someone to follow you around and give you hugs whenever you want one?
I could, but there's nothing quite like a Danked hug :loveya:

there are some things that money just can't buy.
Well there was that auction.....
Did you get de-loused? I hear he's got all sorts of diseases and what not.
I'd still hug him, gonorrhea and all.
:lookatme: yes please

i feel like Hell, tired i think Undecided
I have the hiccups...

Ladi want a pill? I got me a pharmacy....
someone hug me
<<<< hug >>>>
:thumbs-up: dru

so Polly what do you suggest ..... achy all over & upset stomach ...
I don't get a hug. [Image: mecry.gif]
I like ya, but I'm not gonna hug ya - maybe jack will.
Why are you interrupting the hot girl on girl action with your crying?
silly boy
smile pretty & maybe I will
.... so come gimme me a hug....
You heard the man Goat, go on and hug him
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