Full Version: The end of pantera?
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Glad I saw them one last time, with Slayer, last year if this is truly the end... :disappointed:

Quote:PANTERA frontman Phil Anselmo spoke to the Dutch Aardschok about his future in the band. In the issue that streets in March he revealed that "Pantera was my home for many, many years. I don't have a problem with anyone in the band. Pantera gave me a lot, and I wouldn't be the same person without them. But I think we lost a piece of what we once stood for. Reinventing The Steel was a step in the right direction, but it's just not like it used to be anymore. There is a time when you have to say enough is enough. I don't want to be a heavy metal grandpa. I'm 33 and have broken all the bones in my body serving Pantera. But I'm not 22 anymore. I just don't get the feeling I used to singing 'Cowboys From hell' or 'Walk'. No one knows what the future holds, but our last tour was with SLAYER, and I don't think there could be a better ending tour. I don't want to go on and on like JUDAS PRIEST or SABBATH. I prefer the SOUNDGARDEN approach, who called it a day at the peak of their fame."
That sucks...
They were one of the best shows I ever saw...
Fast Lane...
It was like a human Cuisinart...
But Phil is right...
Don't be a "Heavy Metal Grampa"
Strange... glad it's a rumor..but...
At the show they were evn saying that this was gonna be their last tour in a looong time, if ever...and with all the side projects everyone is doing, who knows what will happen...
RottenVinny is going to cry himself to sleep after hearing this.
That statement on is from Pantera'as site too. That would SOO suck if that were true..I don't even wanna think about it :poison:

Edited By BeckyDC on Feb. 21 2002 at 12:36