Full Version: Did you know? - it's snowing
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Well, now you do.
Omigod! It is! :-o

Can't believe I didn't notice it when it took me three times as long to drive to work today.
i looked out before, & it was, glad to know it still is

sleet/hail, came in my car window & hit me in the eye, it hurt
is it just us 3 now ....... ::wink wink nudge nudge::

anyone have a fireplace? :burnfucker: :fuggin:
its sleeting and snowing still
wooo hooooo! a threesome!
firzt up!
it was hailing in Union City this morning. i almost went back inside and worked from home, my car sucks on ice.
i'm just going to lay back and let you 2 have your way
just don't go near my ass :-o
why didn't you Keyser ??

I might be the proud filmer of a porno/slasher flick :thumbs-up:
we'll see if I can do it. It's not my naked ass, but ... still
um, i want no part of this slasher flick. if it goes straght porn, get in touch with my people
Quote:just don't go near my ass :-o

oh C'MON! Better your's than mine! :firebounce:
so I don't get to touch any ass :disappointed:
well you can fondle mine, but keep those nails away from any openings
ladi, i'm in the middle of organizing a big project here right now, i guess it was silly to risk my life for it tho. maybe i should have stayed home.
I just took a look

It's not snowing

Now I'm sad :-(
Master Metal! :lookatme:
Can we poke you in your butt? :poke:
let's not talk about ass, I'll just get in trouble :moonie:

good luck with it Keyser

the power just went out here, very odd
Pages: 1 2