Full Version: Hey Danked...
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Gimme my house back or I'll bring you up on charges...
Depends. What kind of charges?
Condemnation without representation???
Never heard of it.
Can't prove nothin'. I done smoked it all already.
:poke: ...doubt my "demi-mod" powers again salsa stain... go ahead... i dare you...
:twak: <--Homo
Rolleyes pffft.... tell it to the parole board.... :lol:
Yo when I get your back... :burnfucker:
when..... :rofl: ....he said when..... :rofl:
Quote:Yo when I get your back...

but you were always behind him BEFORE you got tossed in here :clueless:
But this time I'll be holding a knife... :burnfucker:
Danked knows kung-fu, he'll kick yours and your knife's asses - while smoking a bowl no less!
but I'm not attacking Danked...It's Homo I wish to destroy...
don't you mean worship you pathetic excuse for a killer tomato
Hey's an idea... :fuckoff:
Beg all you want fuckwad, I'm not gonna be your conjugal visit buddy
I really didn't want that...I'd rather jerk off with a cheese grater...
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