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yeah....thats me.
I heard VG talks like a girl.
What's her phone sex like?
waa waa waa.
i hear you can smell her rancid breath through the phone.
I hear she's a fatty

omg ur like so edgy and controversial.

I think VG is stealing slippers "waaa waaa" line.
never say you're sorry. its like explaining a joke, backpeddle boy.
but..but..i left a space and everything Undecided
That's not an excuse
:-p <--at least i didn't use one of these. what a cop-out smiley.
i juzt had some great french toazt
complimentz of meself
cinnamon in the eggz
buttered up nice in the pan
then some sweet ass maple syrup
you fuckz don't know what yer mizzing
but i do have sticky fingerz
wanna lick?
I can't make french toast to save my life. Can ya teach me?
Eggwash, dip bread, cook in pan
Yeah yeah, I know HOW to make it. Just can't seem to get it right.
Well the important thing is not to turn it too early, and make sure the pan is nice and hot before you put the bread in.

Oh, and don't use oil
I've never used oil. But I've also never used stale bread. Maybe that's my problem. Maybe I'll try again over the weekend. Maybe I can get DGW to come here and make some! :lookatme:
the key is in the egg wash
lil skim milk
bunch o cinnamon
let the bread soak but not enough to fall apart
flip a couple of times as to cover the cruztz
pan should be on medium/high heat
tablespoon o butter to start
make sure it covers were you will lay your toast
fry for 2 minutes flip
add tblsp butter
2 minutes flip again
2 minutes flip again
and 2 miutes yer done
but thatz for a crispier toazt
yah don't want to brown to much is the key
toast should be fluffy
top with butter and yer favorite syrup and you have a tongues delight
one of yer tonguez delightz ;-)
Does that mean you won't come make it? Ah poop. :lol:
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