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Pages: 1 2 3
no I said call me on my cell... :thumbs-up:
as long as you get conjugal (sp) visits :thumbs-up:

you know, in case you found someone to visit you ;-) :-p
You're not volunteering are you? :poke:
:rofl: Doubtful even on a dare, I would say
You're probably right Metal...
I dare Ladi to do it.
You really are evil
that's special

do you not like PMs? [Image: icon16.gif]
Quote:do you not like PMs?
To whom is this question directed?
if you had a PM, it'd be for you wouldn't it :clueless:
hmm...I guess so... :thumbs-up:
you're all a pain in my dick :fuckoff:
can I go home now
there is the last of :fuggin: in my car & it's calling me
it's such an evil master
Quote:you're all a pain in my dick
:rofl: it's nice too, wanna see

Edited By Hey Ladi on 1047064915
sportin some genital warts today, Ladi?
no I'm clean, gonna go to the bathroom now & admire it :bow:
Quote:you're all a pain in my dick
Quote:it's nice too, wanna see
I don't want Ladi anymore... :crackhead:
snubbed again :disappointed:
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