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when I got my heart broke for Valentine's Day.

I'm overcompensating.

hold me.
ever since his "girlfriend" dumped him recently. you may remember the false front thread about it.
hee hee, you got dumped.
the thread must have been during my
OAS :disappointed:
inspired hiatus.
OAS has been very quiet lately, it has been sweet.
maybe he's dead.

Though I'm sure when he comes back from his vacation with his mom, he'll say it was some top secret CIA mission and he knows everything about what's going on in the mideast
95% of OAS posts were to complain about mine,
I guess when I was gone there was nothing left for him.
he and i took up where you guys left off. i think i finally broke him. :thumbs-up:
you should have him stuffed and mounted,
I have grumpy hanging above my sofa.
im currently fucking Galt's ex-girlfriend
Now that's just a fib, my man-titted friend
Quote:you should have him stuffed and mounted,
I have grumpy hanging above my sofa.
hard to find room what with Seph over the mantel. guess i will have to put him in the guest room.
she nuzzled in my man tits
Arpi brought down Seph like I brought down
if you are implying that i did not bring down seph, you are mistaken and i take umbrage with your attempt to rewrite history.
if on the other hand you are being serious then please explain.
you were merely a foot soilder to sleeper's patton
I think three abortions, or writing soup soup on your body is grounds for sterilization.
those two, plus being a minority in my book.
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