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Again, you've succeeded. I hope you're pleased with yourself.
self pleasure is another of my fortes.
Why am I not surprised?
gotta clean my keyboard.
I sit here and ask myself, "Why do I bother to reply?" but I give me no rational answer.

you know I love you and BJ both.
uh huh
this is boring
i think thats ken's new schtick. he went from a pain in the ass to just a plain boring ass.
I agree
I am much more on my game when other people start threads........
which happens oh so often these days.
way to pass the buck
way to kill threads.
you rarely add more than a narcisistic photo and a critique of others.
Anybody have a good meatloaf recipe?
meatloaf is icky.

but try
the concept of a loaf,
made of ground meat, has always been repulsive to me.
I know. It's not my favorite either, but at least it's something different. The way I make it though it always comes out mushy and tasting like White Castles.
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kens threads sucks

my work is done here, try the veal.
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