Full Version: Controlled Dangerous Substances - Drugs are bad m'kay
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Quote:I really don't care, and if someone tried that trip on me, I'd definitely not invite them back

I take it you don't Gomez? why

I never started it because I never had the money for it

I don't do it now because:

A) Health Reasons

B) Detrimental to singing, I don't smoke for the same reason
Quote:it could be regulated the same way cigarettes and alcohol are regulated.
Can you imagine going up to the clerk at 7-11 and ordering? :lol:
imagine? i dream of it...
Undecided you & me both Trish...
The only thing the "War on Drugs" has accomplished is a Nazi Thug like criminal justice system. It's a business like any other and all they are looking for is more customers.

In the early part of the 1900's drugs like coke and heroin were legal to buy at your local druggist. Imagine people taking responsibility for there own actions and health.

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