Full Version: Good Food in the Area
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El Braserio...all you can eat Brazilian steak's in's good eatin...22.95 a head...

Franky and Johnies in the bronx is great italian food...
Tartugas in downtown Princeton. Authentic, freshly made mexican food. The salsa is made just before its served on the table. As you know I hate tomatoes, the freshly chopped tomatos are prepared so deliciously that i eat them anyway. The salsa is like mexican bruchetta. So good.
If I were OAS, I'd comment about how I always like to "eat at the Y" and lean back and smile while all the hot chicks on the board dream of me eating them out with my hairy 50 year old tongue
thanks for that Galt, I think you solved my issue of having breakfast or not :disappointed:
Iberia's on Ferry St in Newark
portuguesse cuisine
if yah like kicked up pork, filet mignon, lamb, or any other meat go here
for 25 bux it's all yah can eat with excellent service
my advice don't fill up on the sausage and chicken
hold out for the different cutz of beef
and great SANGRIA!!!<span style='font-size:15pt;line-height:100%'></span>
That place sounds great DGW! Whats with all these chain restaurants??? Expand your horizons people!! Cluck-U and White Castle are not real food!!!!

Although I could really go for a sack of sliders right now.
MMMmmm... Chicken Rings. :-D
Quote:Whats with all these chain restaurants???
we don't discriminate against food

I need to know a good Cajun place. There is the place in Madison with the Turducken ... but I haven't found it yet. Anyone?
Chili's.. tuna steak sandwich, alittle cajun style with lime sauce, with hot spicey fries. hmmmmm.... :loveya:
Quote:There is the place in Madison with the Turducken ...
a chicken inside of a duck inside of a turkey
don't really care for duck though
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