Full Version: happy birthday RODNEY!!!!!!
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Pages: 1 2
Quote:I am disease fee, thank you very much
so, are you saying you charge for your herpes? i'm confused...

oh yeah, happy birthday moron
you god damned British are so fucking nit picky with your proper spelling bullshit.
hey, she could be french
Quote:you god damned British are so fucking nit picky with your proper spelling bullshit
that wasn't very happy stonerish of you.
suzies right though.

about everything :thumbs-up:
421, smoke em if ya got em
it's not on purpose REALLY!!! I think my 'puter has the hiccups :disappointed:

Edited By Hey Ladi on 1047418012
would you stop doing that
id love to be the meat in a dru/suzie sandwich.
you're so cute sometimes
I say we do him.
but someone would be sooo jealous
stop worrying about arpi's feelings

do me, both of you
Pages: 1 2