Full Version: Members - not all are dicks
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I mean it Arpi,
you put much effort in for our amusement,
I thank you for it.
Quote:I mean it Arpi,
you put much effort in for our amusement,
I thank you for it.
i want to believe you, i really do, but my heart is so easily broken these days. i am afraid.
don't foget it was you, who took my love, and tore it asunder.
I want to know who's on Ladi's "Dick List".
Am I on that list? Is there any way to get removed from the list? Am I going to start getting courtousy calls because I am on this list?
Quote:Am I on that list?
everyone gets a turn, got to be fair
How did I get on the list? Was it the TWO-FISTED MONKEY STYLE comment? Damn it, i knew i shouldn't have posted it.

I have been "Dick List"ed. Who else is on the list? How long will I be on the list? How can I be removed from the list?

You have to post this information.
don't foget it was you, who took my love, and tore it asunder.
well, i mean , lets be honest, you were being a dick at the time.
but then rather than work it out you ran away to live with the....the.....the.....HIPPIES!!
whining like that'll get you on, usually only lasts a day & "TWO-FISTED MONKEY STYLE" will get you off .... the list ;-)

So now, where should we get these new Members from?
How about we solicit to prisons?
Quote:So now, where should we get these new Members from?
The Hunter's Board! :burnfucker:
be quiet Elmer Dudd!

It was ELMA!!!! :poke:
I saw a naked chick with a CDIH. bumpersticker on her tits,
outside the window during Fox and Friends.
Let's invite Sean Cold.

Oh, wait.

I wonder if I'm "dick list"ed too.
Arpi is gonna say another funny thing in this thread, real soon, just watch.
Quote:I wonder if I'm "dick list"ed too.
no & I'm sorry the poll has no Spaceship choice
when will you meet me
for lunch
and sex?
Funny that you should mention the space ship.

That could be a great recruiting pitch to use.
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