Full Version: happy b-day Galt!
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I don't know who your board enemy is, but I bet he/she could do it.

Do you want him/her to be mocking for your inability to perform such a menial task?
Quote:Note to self Hedcold hates me too.
<!-- spoilerKillit --><table border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td bgcolor="#000000" valign="middle" align="left"><font color="#000000" size="1">Spoiler (Highlight to Read):</font>
</td></tr><tr><td bgcolor="#ffffff" valign="middle" align="left"><font color="#ffffff" size="1"><!-- spoilerKillitEnd --><!--txtStart--> i don't really, i just needed something to back my weak argument. don't tell galt<!--txtEnd--><!-- spoilerKillit --></td></tr></table><!-- spoilerKillitEnd -->

Quote:I don't know who your board enemy is, but I bet he/she could do it.

Do you want him/her to be mocking for your inability to perform such a menial task?
if it takes more than 10 minutes to work on a sig, is it really necessary?

It's my fucking birthday
can i post silly emoticons instead?
I loathe emoticons.
[Image: cussing.gif]
Actually that one's A-OK
so hows twan working out for you? vince carter really pussied up my year
Twan's doing great, but in the most important matchup of the year, the scheduling Gods have had all my teams have no games. The Knicks, Grizzlies, Kings, all them have like two games the whole week. I had to pick up scrubs every day, just to try and keep up the minutes, but no luck. I am getting my ass handed to me.
even the yankees can't win every year
need to make a lopsided trade with me?
A trully momentous occasion, happy birthday buddy.
your not worthy to start this thread
Pages: 1 2