Full Version: like we care about that guy's birthday... - its PI DAY!
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Why Pi?

"The story of pi reflects the most seminal, the most serious and sometimes the silliest aspects of mathematics. A surprising amount of the most important mathematics and a significant number of the most important mathematicians have contributed to its unfolding -- directly or otherwise.

Pi is one of the few concepts in mathematics whose mention evokes a response of recognition and interest in those not concerned professionally with the subject. It has been a part of human culture and the educated imagination for more than twenty five hundred years.
The computation of Pi is virtually the only topic from the most ancient stratum of mathematics that is still of serious interest to modern mathematical research. And to pursue this topic as it developed throughout the millennia is to follow a thread through the history of mathematics that winds through geometry, analysis and special functions, numerical analysis, algebra and number theory. It offers a subject which provides mathematicians with examples of many current mathematical techniques as well as a palpable sense of their historical development."
I like the part where he drilled a hole into his head :lol:
When's your girlfriend's birthday? I want to buy her something nice.
It's also Einstein's birthday...
I like mole day better.
(June 2nd @ 10:23)
6.2 x 10 to the 23rd power , just about the only thing i remember from Chem class.

that's what I wanted to say but I couldn't figure out how to raise the font for the exponents.
hair pi?
getting back to Hedcold's gf...when are we gonna see some pics?
[Image: icon4.gif]
that doesn't look like a pic, unless she looks like a smiley.
i got so excited, i have images turned off, so when i chose to view the last image hedcold posted, i expected it to be her. i was so disappointed. :-(
post n00dz
or scantilly-clad, if she's kinda shy.
can we just get a picture from inside her uterus?
no, ha, no, no, maybe

and her birthday passed Rolleyes