Full Version: Today on my Sports Illustrated - Swimsuit calendar
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why did you have to go and spoil it?
I finally have a reason for not liking you.
Arpikarhu Wrote:why did you have to go and spoil it?

This is why the board sucks ass so much,
If there is anyone having any fun,
someone will come along, hunt the fun down, and KILL it.
that's pretty fucked up.
you just stepped on this puppy and killed it and what's worse, you didn't even realize it.

i expected more.
Sorry to spoil your fun. When it comes to defending board security, I'd rather no one assume we'd ever do that.

Besides, it's not like she doesn't give you guys fodder for ridicule with every post she makes.
I hope Vincente Fox starts using Paraquat again.
i chaulk it up to suzie forgetting she posted during a coke induced blackout.
since when did this site strt giving a shit what people think?
the new "hideous" skin must be thinner then the old one
ive been told by management to tone down my statements regarding the aforementioned.
I haven't been

Haha, you dumb cunt.
wow and I thought keyser was a dumb blond, you're living up to the hype crackie.
I may top a 9-11 thread and see if I can get Suzie to flee NYC in a panic.
shes too busy conquering corporate america to care.
I had a GREAT prank to play on Tequila today,
but I bet Danked would just ruin it.
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