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For a long while I have been trying to wear Ladi's resistance down, to get her to acquiesce and submit to the indignity of having sex with me.

Despite all reports of her being an STD laden, walking humpathon, she continues to rebuke my advances.....

please help put pressure on her, and work with me in realizing my years long ambition.
why dont you fill a surgical glove with vaseline and fuck it in the middle of the fulton fish market. same thing.
gee, it's usually nice to be needed .... but this is ridiculous
Apri, If you win the poll, and I start a thread for you, the above post will be included when I cite you wit.
If you convince Ladi, I could mention what a great pal you are, how you helped get me laid.
all this because she won't go to lunch with you?
GW had lunch with you, did he screw you?
i bought so he got fucked
I did not have lunch with DGW.
I say leave her alone.

shut up slut
I am not a slut.
I would say no to Ken too.
Only because you have no idea how beautiful my penis is.