Full Version: Lyrical Gomez appreciation thread!
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MARY! :-p
That's it, none of you may appreciate me any longer, you have lost that privilege.
:banana: you're welcome
:banana: you're welcome
I'll never get how people double post with a 20 second flood control.

I didn't wanna appreciate yo cracka ass anyway.
i think there is something wrong with my computer, I only clicked it once :disappointed:
Your brain hasn't caught up with your body yet, you weed smoking terrorist supporter.
it's 25 seconds...that thing makes being in the cell even more want to reply to the other threads in there but have to wait...and there's nothing else to read... :-(
Jacks fear tactics are working well.
So are his ovens...
Mein Kampf was such a great book, seriously it was.
I was about to get my friends futon for you to sleep on, but you can say bye bye to that idea
Idle promises from a lying jew.
Georgia Gonzo?
I'm looking at it right now, you would've slept just 10 feet away from THE LyricalGomez

But that's all over now
You aren't worthy of being in my presence and you know it.
You could've posted on the same computer I use, what a thrill
Yeah and your computer would finally witness humor as an output for the first time.
You would've eaten at the very breakfast table I have my cereal at, you could've used the very spoon I use
To carve out your heart.

but why a spoon?

because it would hurt more, you twit!!!!
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