Full Version: Is it wrong to jack it to your brother's wife?
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I know, I know, look who I'm asking. Maybe I should say, pretend you have morals when you answer.
i dunno, i don't have any brothers
I don't either,
but I have jacked it to a variety of inlaws and distant relatives.
OK trish, would it be wrong if it was your sister's husband?'ve obviously never seen my sister in law :crackhead:
my sister's husband looks like a grown up harry potter
you guys are missing the point. It's not about what that person actually looks like, just is it generally wrong if they're (like) an in-law?
i've not done it, but i could consider fantasizing about my brother in law's brother if you like
no, i have never jacked it to my brother's fiancee. that's just gross! what kind of sick pervert are you??? :-o
i was confused. by "jack" it, i thought you meant give your brother in-law big metallic letters in order to soothe his pathetic self-image.
If your going to belittle me Arpi, at least look at the Damn letters closely. Its snow dumbass.
I dont think it's wrong no. As long as it stays a fantasy i dont see it being a problem. Just dont let your brother or sister in some cases find out.
Quote:If your going to belittle me Arpi
i dont need to, you do it all by yourself.

Quote:look at the Damn letters closely. Its snow dumbass
ooohhh! you got me. ZZIINNGG!!!
When do the rest of us get the snowy letters?
Oh.. I gave you a spiffy name too. :thumbs-up:
AAaahhh. arpi got his fancy letters! Now he's got nothing to complain about.
you really got me that time.
another sign of your massively poor self image manifesting itself. the need to deride others in order to feel bigger.
go play with your letters. i think you could make the font bigger!!
Awesome.. :thumbs-up:

Glad you like them. I think we are on the road to recovery. I think we could almost be friends again.
you hate yourself too much to have real friends.
in my case yes it is VERY wrong.

of my three brothers only one is married and dear lord is his wife skanky! :crackhead:
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