Full Version: I am annoying bitch!!!!
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Quote:in theory a monkey could perform brain surgery but that don't make it a good idea.
Tell that to the parents of the illegal that got the wrong heart and lungs at Duke.
I said brain surgery, the poor monkey can't be a cardiologist as well.

He's a brain surgeon not a miracle worker dammit!!!
Quote:then again in theory a monkey could perform brain surgery but that don't make it a good idea.
Rolleyes enough with the KidA jokes

Quote:The title of this thread certainly seems to have been apt.
in needz to be put in plural form
See Ladi!

That's what I was trying to say.
aahhhh, yes we are annoying, but you're all adding nothing to the discussion, and I thought it was going rather well *shrug*

in 2000 yrs Women will rule the World, you just wait! :banana:
And in 2001 years the world will explode
God I hope those dyke feminists don't make us take charge. I'd much rather stay home cooking and cleaning.
Quote:I'd much rather stay home cooking and cleaning.

Edited By DGW on 1048013112
are you two fucking or what?
Can you imagine a woman as president, I shudder to think what happens during the "magical" days of the month
You are fooling yourself if you think Men don't have PMS too. There is no noticable sign of it, but you have your bitchy days too. Give me a break.
i'm asexual
Quote:You are fooling yourself if you think Men don't have PMS too. There is no noticable sign of it, but you have your bitchy days too. Give me a break.

We have our "moods" that is true, but at least we stick with one, if we're sad we're sad, if we're happy we're happy, if we're pissed off we're pissed off, we don't swing like a pendulum between all emotions within the span of 5 minutes
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