Full Version: i gave blood today and was a man about it!
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I bet he cries watching movies on lifetime.
wooo I almost blacked out cause I have a pint of blood, I began to lose hearing, I began to lose..... blah blah. Atleast you couldn't have lost your balls cause after that post you obviously have none. Keyser is soooo gay now, he has lost his mystique of the swashbuckling latin lover now.
he has become rather, Rickey Martin in my book.
Hold up, Keyser's Latino?
Quote:Hold up, Keyser's Latino?

no he's not but it sounded sexy.
you're turning blue, what's wrong did you get a paper cut?
Quote:the nurse said I was turning pale. I felt fine at first, but I soon felt really dizzy and everything was getting really bright. Then I starting to lose my hearing. I think I was pretty close to passing out. Someone came over and helped me back over to the table where I laid down and after a while later I was fine again.

people eating the brown acid at woodstock didn't suffer as much.
i'm not allowed to give blood
keyser stubbed his toe today and had to get a triple bypass.
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