Full Version: the only good thing about sweden
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Leave it to Sleeper to go to Sweden, home to some of the world's most beautiful women, and end up spending time posting here on the board...

And yeah, I heard aside from the women, that country pretty much sucks.
Quote:You women and your Damn chocolate
What are you? Some kind of woman-hater, Gomez?
No, it's just you all react to chocolate like crack, and without it you get cranky after a little while.
Quote:No, it's just you all react to chocolate like crack, and without it you get cranky after a little while.
So, you got any chocolate?
Go snort some cocoa powder
It's customary in Sweden to choke a girl to death after you have sex with her. So make sure you don't insult her, you ugly American.
i had an awesome time in sweden. great bars, hot chicks, good blow.
Quote:Go snort some cocoa powder
Nah...I gave that up years ago.
Quote:Nah...I gave that up years ago.
8 months for me.
stupid brain :-(
Quote:great bars, hot chicks, good blow.
bars are boring, especially filled with lame business students
there are hot girls, but they won't do me, instead i get groped by fat black girls
The blow is pretty sweet though :thumbs-up:
there's black people in sweden? :-o
no, they went on the trip with me though.

This is the saddest vacation ever
Swedish meatballs?

But, you're wearing lederhosen.
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