Full Version: Punk'd - funny shit
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It was pretty funny the ones I have seen so far. They did one with Pink the other day and that was funny. And the Mandy Moore remodeling one where they dropped the steel beam in the trailer home was fuckin cool.
Have you all missed the episode where they bashed all the windows out of Wilmer Valderama's(sp?/name? - Fez from That 70's Show) Escalade. Man, that was cool. He was all ascared of the "gangsta". Good stuff.
That one was funny...I liked the one with Seth Green too
The Pink and Seth Green ones were two of the best.
Pink wanted to kill her boyfriend when he she thought he was telling the cops the stolen bikes were her's and he knew nothing about them.
Ha. They Winona Ryder-ed Eliza Dushku. Some dude stuffed some things in a backpack, said he had to make a call, and gave her his bag. Pretty funny.
that was like the second episode.....
I should know that. I watch MTV like all the time.

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